Accentuate The Positive With Negative Ions

If you find yourself invigorated by the forces of nature, like the pounding surf at the ocean or the refreshed air after a thunderstorm, you've already experienced the positive effects of negative ions in the air. While you may not have understood the science behind it, your body and mind reacted to the change in the charge of the air, bringing you renewed energy and focus. You can take advantage of the positive effects of negative ions by adding a Himalayan salt lamp to your home or office. [Read More]

4 Reasons Women Should Use Straight Razors

Most modern American women who choose to remove their body hair do so with a disposable razor, an electric razor, depilatory cream or waxing. While each of these methods have their benefits, they all lack the finesse and intimacy of the straight razor. Unfortunately, the straight razor is often thought of as a man's shaving tool. This is because when it was invented in the 1760's, most Western European women did not remove their body hair. [Read More]

4 Tips To Save Money On Your Wedding Attire Without Sacrificing Style

No one wants to spend more money on their wedding than they have to, and many couples are working with very tight wedding budgets. While there are many wedding expenses you simply cannot cut down without changing your wedding entirely, such as the cost of the venue or catering, you can save a lot of cash on your wedding attire and the attire of the wedding party while still looking just as stylish as if you had spent a small fortune. [Read More]

The Three Tech Gadgets That Will Get You Through Your First Marathon

With many amazing advancements in sport technology, runners today are often struggling to find a balance between the freedom of traditional running without technology and the edge that technology can give a runner. If you are gearing up for your first marathon, you may be thinking about investing in some new technology as a treat to get you through those long runs. Before you bust out your wallet for fancy gadgets that will end up collecting dust in your closet, read about these three pieces of technology that you actually need. [Read More]